Since Korea is a peninsula, it should be no surprise that they had abundant harvest or different kinds of seafoods like shrimp, shellfish, squid, octopus and lot more. Koreans love to cook different recipe of sea foods. You could find live seafoods in their markets. I love to go and see their market displaying different kinds of live products from the sea. Here's some samples of Korean seafoods dishes:
Steamed Ark Shell Clams
Steamed Abalones
Steamed Stuffed Clams
Steamed Stuffed Crabs
Steamed Conches
Steamed Ark Shell Clams
Steamed Abalones
Steamed Stuffed Clams
Steamed Stuffed Crabs
Steamed Conches
i like kimchi =)
i've ate once when i went to Korea last month. =))