Digital Camera

I was supposed to take pictures at school when my baby started to cry, she wants something and that was candy. She opened my bag and got the camera and threw it away. It was the second time that my baby did threw my camera. When I got home I told my husband about what had happened to my camera and the expression of his face was not good because it will costs another extra money for the repair. The attitude of my baby is changing while she grows old. When she got mad because of not giving what she wants she really threw the things that she can see or hold. I think she's being spoiled and that's not what I want. I hope so I can change her attitude. If she cries she don't want her dad to carry her she just wanted me, maybe because we always been together all the time.


Danah said…
you know what, my daughter screams when she can't have what she wants, but everytime sho does that specially with many people around us i always told her that i was very, very sad and showed her that i'm really, really sad and pretend crying because she did not listen to me then she felt a little sympathy on me then act like a good girl and asked me if i'm happy now. "which is kind a cute"