When I came at Namhae I wonder why people there let those peppers to get rotten and didn't harvest them. Then this morning my mother-in-law told me that we are going to harvest their red peppers. I was very excited to go at the farm to harvest those red peppers. We had abundant harvest. They waited until those peppers were ripe then they can make red pepper powder from it. My mother-in-law washed our harvested red peppers and let them dried under the heat of the sun. When it dries up it will be ready to grind and the finished product will be the red pepper powder which they use to mix with their food especially in making Kimchi and red pepper paste. Red pepper powder will last forever. Korean foods were stored for winter, they have their own ways of saving foods so that those foods won't be perished and will last longer. Koreans love storing food, the longer the food was stored, the more it tastes good.
Red pepper plantation

Harvest time

Our Harvest

Drying red pepper
Red pepper plantation

Harvest time

Our Harvest

Drying red pepper

uy u know, i teach english to koreans, mga 3 years na... matagal ka na jan? cute2 ng baby mo =)