In Korea you may see varieties and different kinds of fruits in the market, one of this fruit was a plum which I saw abundant amount in the market. I think plum is the summer season fruit in Korea because I only saw this fruit during summer. Plum or gage is a stone fruit tree. Plum fruit is sweet and juicy and it can be eaten fresh or used in jam-making or other recipes. Plum juice can be fermented into plum wine; when distilled, this produces a brandy known in Eastern Europe as Slivovitz, Rakia, Tzuica or Palinka. Dried plums are known as prunes. Prunes are also sweet and juicy and contain several antioxidants. Pickled plums are another type of preserve available in Asia and international specialty stores. Plums come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. Some are much firmer-fleshed than others and some have yellow, white, green or red flesh, with equally varying skin color. Plums and prunes are known for their laxative effect. This effect has been attributed to various compounds present in the fruits, such as dietary fiber, sorbitol,[2] and isatin.[3] Prunes and prune juice are often used to help regulate the functioning of the digestive system.