Wonder Girls: One of Koreans' Famous Group Singer

One of my favorite group singers is Wonder Girls. I love their songs and the singers. Wonder Girls are made up of five girls namely; Min Sun Yee(leader) Park Ye Eun, Kim Yoo Bin, Sun Mi and Ahn So Hee. Their official balloon color is Pearl Burgundy and fan club name is Wonderful. I love their song like Tell Me and the popularity of “Tell Me” just kept snowballing and it’s effect is still being felt to this day. Their unrelenting schedule of appearing on various programs,”Tell Me“ had a telling effect as the infectious tune and easy dance steps were picked up by fans and non-fans. It was declared a national hit and Wonder Girls were called, “Korea’s Little Sisters” in the month of November. No one can resist having a go at doing the dance apparently. Now here's their new hit summer song "So Hot." Go girls keep up the good work. Here's their pictures and songs;

wonder girls
